On my side of Pennsylvania we got nearly three feet of snow, with drifts up to five feet in some parts by the time the 24 hours of snowfall ended late Saturday night.
My husband and I spent parts of Saturday hiking and walking around during the snowfall. It was beautiful! Then, we spent all day Sunday shoveling our cars out as well as shoveling the driveway and side walks at his mother's place down the road.
The apartment complex where we live had only a narrow lane the was hardly plowed as of Saturday night. In short, it was still completely unsafe or just ridiculous to drive in until late last night.
Thankfully I own an SUV, and we were able to get my car out and near the top of the property on Sunday afternoon. I've had the privilege of driving my husband to and from work for the past couple of days. But with so many people getting stuck, and therefore the plows unable to do their job, we left his car safely sit until at last the plows at reach the bottom of the property late last night.
I and another neighbor, spent the entire day on Monday shoveling our hard-working neighbors out of their parking places. We helped approximately 22 people between 7:30/8am to 2:30pm Monday!! Between coaching some out of them from narrow parking places into the lane and on up the hill, to actually pushing their car out of snow-ruts, or shoveling elderly ladies cars that were still under.. A LOT of snow, it just was endless! Many people just needed to get their vehicle closer to the top of the hill and the exit so they could get to work on Tueday morning.
My neighbor and I were often pushing their cars until they could get enough traction to make it up the hill, which was narrow and snow-packed. Many people gave up shoveling their own cars and stood on their porches cursing... they were on their own. Lol. Sorry, it's true! They choose to leave their cars locked in, while others worked to shovel around their own vehicle, and the five feet or more of snow behind their cars to reach the narrow pathway -- these people we offered our help to and willingly helped them maneuver out and to the top of the hill of they so desired. It was rewarding work, simply because so many people were sharing gratitude. And hey! We were getting to actually meet our neighbors!!
A plow had made a single pathway around the buildings on Saturday. However, with vehicles stranded everywhere, and snow in the center of each thoroughfare nearly two-and-a-half to three feet high, the men plowing gave up after getting stuck three or four times!
When they returned on Monday they were so overwhelmed and didn't know where to begin. After a few hours, they were able to start in the middle, roughly, and work their way to the top and then on Tuesday around the lower buildings in the complex (where we live).
Using a back hoe and a plow attached to a suburban, these two men did a great job, despite so many furious individuals and cars trying to go in and out as they worked. They got the job done as well as anyone could have!
Many people are saying they hope this is the last snow of the season. (Even though this was the FIRST REAL SNOW we've had!!) But I am so grateful for the opportunity I have had to work alongside my neighbors, spending more time with my husband both playing and working in the snow, being snowed inside, and driving him to work, as well as the great physical exercise shoveling snow gives us!!
So, in short, I am looking forward to our next Pennsylvania snowfall. I am grateful for this one because I believe it has made us all more aware that planning ahead is very important. It's also important to know your limits. For some, that could mean literally handing your car keys to a more experienced snow driver who can get your car to a safer location for you. Or it could just mean parking in the right place before the snow falls. Then there is the planning ahead with your pantry... Most people wait until the last minute to get their snow-pantry stocked up. You know it's winter, be prepared for snow every week, rather than freaking out when it is on the news.
I don't usually write such a long post. But I had a lot to share today. I hope you enjoyed it! God bless everyone, especially those who may still be digging themselves out and may we always remember to be a good neighbor.