Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Old Tree Swing

A tree. Two ropes. A wooden board. A swing.

A breeze begins to blow through the branches of
the tree and the grass surrounding it rolls like a sea.
A little girl dressed in ribbons, curls, and layers of
petticoats races across the lawn on a sunny day.

She pulls herself backward onto the seat of the
swing, gripping the ropes of the swing in either hand
she pushes her feet off of the ground and sets off into motion.
She bumps her legs, back and forth as she goes higher,
as though she is destine to reach the sky itself.

The ribbons in her hair tangling, spiraling, and twirling
as the wind catches them in a childish dance. Her
layers of skirt and petticoats coast in the wind as well.

She is high enough now she can almost touch the sky,
or at least it feels that way to her. She swings ever
higher, stretching her bare toes to the sky,
but she will not touch the sky today.
It is really only a dream anyway.

She slowly ascends to the ground, and when she is
half way there, she thrusts her body off of the swing
out into the air, and for a moment, she can fly.

Her feet touch the ground first and then the
layers of her petticoats slowly fall after,
laying down around her, nearly touching the ground.

A bell rings, and she races toward it’s call,
knowing time is of the essence. Her legs pumping
quickly admits the folds of her skirts gathering
themselves around them, so she picks up the layers
into one hand and races faster. Her toes dig into
the grass beneath her feet, and her hair blows out
behind her, twisting carelessly in the breeze.

Suddenly she stops, and looking back over her
shoulder she sees her faithful tree is there, bending
and swaying in the wind. Yet it stands strong, and solid
to the core. She knows it will be there when she
returns, to seek the peace and solitude she can only
find beneath the branches of that faithful tree and
in the comfort of its old wooden swing.

Then she turns again and continues on her way.

Denae A. Freed ~

(I appreciate my neice dressing up on such a warm July day,
in all her aunties' skirts, and doing a photo shoot with me.
She looks like such a doll!)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Lightning Rolls

I keep forgetting to post this photo of my first time capturing lightning.
The photo was taken on June 3rd toward the end of a very heavy thunderstorm. I took it inside a window on the top floor of our house and thus, the raindrops on the glass. I just love how the bolts roll across the evening sky!

It's actually kind of amazing that I have reached this place in my life and this passion to capture lightning. What is amazing about it, is that I used to curl up in a dark place when I was little to hide from the thunderstorms. It wasn't until I was in my early twenties, spending time in Texas, and I got to experience a hurricane-like storm, that things changed.
I remember standing inside of the house (in northeast Texas) and looking out the full glass doors leading to the patio. The rain beat down SIDE WAYS and the winds blew at seventy miles per hour. The trees were swaying terribly and I'm sure if I could have seen the lake through all the trees it would have been an incredible sight.
I casually asked a young friend who was with us at the girl's staff house on campus, "So is this the type of storm y'all just go about your normal routine, keep your appointments, and I take you home before your mom worries about you? Or would your mom rather you stayed here and we all stay put?" She replied, "This is the kind where my mom says, You better stay right where you are!"
I knew then, that I had come a long way in overcoming my fear of thunderstorms. 

Sunsets in July

I know we've all seen hundreds and thousands of sunsets, yet to me, not one is the same as the other.
I never get tired of watching the sun rise, or the sun set.
But my favorite times of day are really dusk and dawn; the first and last light of day.
Here are just a couple favorite sunsets I've been able to capture this month.

More hummingbirds

I can't seem to get enough of these sweet little creatures!
But recently I got to photography a red-breasted hummingbird and boy, oh boy, was he a fast mover. He was also a little busy 'showing off' to his girl. I didn't get a picture, but it was the coolest thing to watch him sitting on a green bush [see below], and bloat up his neck. This caused his red throat to be more visible and very impressive. (I hope she was as impressed as I was.)
She was looking right at me!
Or it felt like it, I wouldn't know as I was photographing these pictures through a window.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

You're never too old

You're never too old to play dress up. Women do it all the time!
Some women call it "shopping", some go on fancy dates with their boyfriends, others call it 'your wedding day', some go to costume parties so they have an excuse to dress up, while others play "tea party" with their little girls and are told they must 'dress up' to attend. And others, well, they are like me, they will dress up just to sit in their room and have a glass of chocolate milk. (Okay, not really, but it's a great idea!)
I'm sure even when I'm 92 I will savor the joy of putting on a pretty dress and either going to a party or just playing around in it!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


I've lost count of how many beautiful and breathtaking rainbows we've had this year alone. We've had about six just this month! I and others nearby cannot remember a time when we've ever had this many rainbows in year's past.
In one week we had as many as three or four this month, and we've already had two rainbows following rain storms the last two evenings.
Last night was the perfect, full arch bow. But my favorite will probably be the one from Saturday afternoon, July 12th. The one on Saturday was positively stunning, detailed, and even doubled into layers at some points as the sun hung low in the western sky between rain storms.
Sadly, I didn't have my camera with me on Saturday afternoon, so I managed to capture a few shots with my cellphone's camera for memory's sake.
Below are photos from last night's rainbow over Lancaster County, PA.
I pasted two photos together to give you the effect of the full bow we were able to see, because I do not have a wide-angle lens at this time.
I cannot wait until I can get enough saved to invest in a wide-angle lens, as well as several other pieces of camera equipment!
Please enjoy!

From July 12th, taken via my cellphone. ;)


Sunday, July 13, 2014


This past week I had the opportunity to go to a friend's house who keeps feeders and flowers around their yard for all sorts of birds.
My goal: to get some photos of the hummingbirds.
Those little guys are so FAST and TINY!
I had one little green hummingbird who would sit quietly at the feeder and drink while the sun showed off its lovely green feathers. -- The little, darker hummingbird was not so good at holding still, but I managed to catch him a few times anyway.

Independence Day 2014

Happy Independence Day!
Well, it's a little late, but here are some photos I took of the fireworks I took surrounding Independence day.
These are my best firework photos so far! I've had the privledge of seeing six nights of fireworks THIS YEAR, since May. As I haven't been able to view fireworks for the last few years, I'd say I've been making up for lost time. <3
I love fireworks, so I am pretty excited to finally know what I'm doing behind the camera, and I cannot wait until I've got a little better of a camera for the job. For now, my Canon PowerShot is doing amazing things!
A wise horse trainer once said,
'If your horse isn't getting the lesson, chances are it's the instructor who needs to change his tactics, not the horse.' I've been increasing my photography skills little by little. Sometimes I've thought, oh, my camera can't do that. Then I learn that it can, with the right tactics! (That's what is so amazing to me about finally capturing the moon! I can do it!) There are a few things is can't do, but I am also learning to use what I have until such a time comes that I can do more with something a little better!

July 3rd

July 4th
July 5th (cropped just a bit for cool effects)
July 5th (favorite!)

A Sunny Monday in Lancaster County

I feel as though my photography is getting better each time I take out my camera on a fairly daily basis and sort through my photos at night, or at least every couple of nights.
Sometimes I've got to upload my photos from my camera, then let them sit on my computer for a few hours before I come back and pick out the best ones. Other times I'm just too excited to see that outstanding shot and share it with friends to wait. I love those moments when you just took a picture, and you KNOW it was a good picture.
Here are some photos from Monday, July 7th, when I enjoyed some sights around of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. My favorite photo is of course the PINK flower. Yet the field of black-eyed susans and other wildflowers were a sight to be seen.
(The only photo that's really "edited" is the horse and buggy because I needed to crop it just a smidgen.)

I was standing in the midst of the wildflowers and thinking, or wishing perhaps, how great it would be to have a horse and buggy pass by. Well, one did! I'm pretty proud of this picture, needless to say, and so very glad I was in the right place at the right time to capture a true image of Lancaster County.

Super Full Moon July 11th and 12th

On July 11th in the evening, July 12th in the early morning, and again on July 12th the following evening, I had the privledge of photographing the full SuperMoon of July 2014.
It was so bright and, though I couldn't see it at its peak of large-scale-wonder on either horizon due to a lot of haze there, it was pretty once it got higher in the night sky.
On the night of July 11th and 12th the skies were fairly clear until about morning. Then on the night of the 12th, when most people were out on the east coast to watch the full supermoon, it was rather cloudy. Despite the clouds, I had a blast shooting photos of the moon in and out of the clouds, it was like playing a game of hide-n-seek with Mr. Moon.
Stunning, right?!

I slept a little on the night of the 11th, but got up again around 3:30am and took pictures until I had to be at work (5:45AM). This perticular photo makes the moon look like the sun, yet it was truly that bright in the night sky!

I happened to look out the window on Saturday evening, July 12th, and that's when I saw the red moon. I hightailed it to my room and grabbed my camera and tripod and raced up onto the roof.
The light was still out from sunset, but it was getting dark at around 9:00PM.
The clouds made a neat haze over the moon, but the red tones were the best part.

Then as the moon continued to rise and the clouds engulfed it, the games began. I kept shooting the moon and it kept slipping in and out of clouds. It was so orange, and eventually turned to more yellow tones as the night wore on.
This is my new favorite photo of the moon that I've taken this year!
I really like how the clouds in the foreground create the effect of the moon rising up over a mountain's peak.