I keep forgetting to post this photo of my first time capturing lightning.
The photo was taken on June 3rd toward the end of a very heavy thunderstorm. I took it inside a window on the top floor of our house and thus, the raindrops on the glass. I just love how the bolts roll across the evening sky!
It's actually kind of amazing that I have reached this place in my life and this passion to capture lightning. What is amazing about it, is that I used to curl up in a dark place when I was little to hide from the thunderstorms. It wasn't until I was in my early twenties, spending time in Texas, and I got to experience a hurricane-like storm, that things changed.
I remember standing inside of the house (in northeast Texas) and looking out the full glass doors leading to the patio. The rain beat down SIDE WAYS and the winds blew at seventy miles per hour. The trees were swaying terribly and I'm sure if I could have seen the lake through all the trees it would have been an incredible sight.
I casually asked a young friend who was with us at the girl's staff house on campus, "So is this the type of storm y'all just go about your normal routine, keep your appointments, and I take you home before your mom worries about you? Or would your mom rather you stayed here and we all stay put?" She replied, "This is the kind where my mom says, You better stay right where you are!"
I knew then, that I had come a long way in overcoming my fear of thunderstorms.
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