Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Sunny Monday in Lancaster County

I feel as though my photography is getting better each time I take out my camera on a fairly daily basis and sort through my photos at night, or at least every couple of nights.
Sometimes I've got to upload my photos from my camera, then let them sit on my computer for a few hours before I come back and pick out the best ones. Other times I'm just too excited to see that outstanding shot and share it with friends to wait. I love those moments when you just took a picture, and you KNOW it was a good picture.
Here are some photos from Monday, July 7th, when I enjoyed some sights around of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. My favorite photo is of course the PINK flower. Yet the field of black-eyed susans and other wildflowers were a sight to be seen.
(The only photo that's really "edited" is the horse and buggy because I needed to crop it just a smidgen.)

I was standing in the midst of the wildflowers and thinking, or wishing perhaps, how great it would be to have a horse and buggy pass by. Well, one did! I'm pretty proud of this picture, needless to say, and so very glad I was in the right place at the right time to capture a true image of Lancaster County.

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